
Christmas Science Lecture

Archive for 2019

Christmas Science Lecture

We were thrilled to welcome OC Jansen Zhao back to 色播五月 for the 2019 MJS Christmas Science Lecture...

A Level Maths Inspiration

On Monday 9聽December, a group of Lower Sixth Form students, alongside Dr Dimakos and Mr Lander, went to the...

Record Rotary Collections

Thanks to our many student volunteers Rotary Club of Caterham collected nearly 拢5,300 across seven nights. This is a...

GCSE Maths in Action

On Wednesday 20 November, Fourth Year maths pupils visited the Emmanuel Centre in London where they enjoyed many inspiring...

Carol Service Concludes Autumn Term

The Carol Service was a wonderful way to end the term and once again, our choirs ETS (Eric Thiman...

IRP – Intermediate Results 2019

The results of the second annual Intermediate Independent Research Prize were announced last week. This competition seeks to open...

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