
A Level Success Stories 2023

A Level Success Stories 2023

Alex is Caterham and the UK鈥檚 Top Young Physicist!

Collecting 5 A* grades on results day was yet another high point in 18 year-old Alex鈥檚 summer. While most A Level pupils spent their post-exam summer kicking up their heels, Alex enjoyed a very different travel experience; one which saw him ranked as the UK鈥檚 top young physicist and in the top 50 globally. Alex was one of the five-strong UK team competing at the global Physics Olympiad held in Tokyo this summer. Alex walked away with a silver medal after completing two five-hour papers, one Experimental and one Theoretical.

With his results now confirmed, Alex will be studying Mathematics and Computer Science at St John鈥檚 College, Oxford and is looking towards a career in computer science or academia. Alex joined Caterham from Hazelwood Prep, and has been a very active member of the science and maths departments at Caterham.

Tomini鈥檚 Takes Her Chance to Change the World

Tomini鈥檚 sharp interest in all things politics has been put to good use during her time as editor of Caterhams political magazine Preview. Securing two A*s and an A grade has secured Tomini鈥檚 dream of studying Politics and International Relations at University of Bath.

Tomini said: 鈥淭oday has been such a whirlwind of emotions but I鈥檓 over the moon. I鈥檝e been interested in world politics for as long as I can remember and so wanted to choose a course that gave me insight and a platform to go out there and change whatever I can. As editor of the politics magazine I had to review all the articles, edit them all and compile them to make an engaging magazine and I really enjoyed the process!鈥

Looking back on her Sixth Form time at Caterham, Tomini said: 鈥淐oming to Caterham was the best decision I have ever made. I鈥檝e learnt how to really value friendships and what true friendships really mean, I鈥檝e had a brilliant relationship with all my teachers and really learnt how to immerse myself in my studies. I鈥檝e learnt life skills that will stay with me forever.鈥

Tomini鈥檚 advice to new pupils joining the school this September is simple: 鈥 Join in everything, talk to everyone 鈥 you only live once so make the very most of it!鈥

Marilie Heads Across the Pond to Study Marine Biology

Having secured a string of A grades, Marilie is heading to the States to take up her place at San Diego University where she will study Marine Biology.

Reflecting on her exciting next steps Marilie said: 鈥淚 was attracted to US unis because of their broad curriculum which covers more subjects and classes than in the UK. The application process took a lot more time and effort that my UK uni applications. There was a lot of essay writing for each individual US uni but ultimately it has paid off. I had expert support to guide me through here and that was a great help. 听I鈥檓 looking forward to new experiences, a new country, a new subject. It鈥檚 going to be a big exciting step!鈥

Marilie joined Caterham from St Michael鈥檚 Prep School in Otford and is now ready to make an even bigger leap as she moves overseas: 鈥淚鈥檒l miss the great friends and teachers at Caterham 鈥 and the support I got from them. I鈥檒l miss Geography lessons particularly 鈥 a big shout out for Mr Terrell who has always been such a great supporter.鈥澨

Nithusha鈥檚 off to Oxford

I have wanted to go to Oxford since I could first form the word 鈥極xford鈥 and say it out loud! It鈥檚 been a dream for me, and is such a big deal for me and for my family. Today I鈥檝e switched from 鈥業鈥檓 hoping to鈥 to 鈥業鈥檓 going to鈥 and it feels crazy, but great. I鈥檓 over the moon!

Nithusha joined Caterham in the Sixth Form and soon settled into life in a new school: 鈥淚鈥檓 going to miss Caterham and all the friends I鈥檝e made over the last two years. I used to go to a pretty closed-minded school but here everyone wants to be friends with everyone else and it鈥檚 such a nice environment to be in.鈥

鈥淚鈥檇 like to give a shout out for my English teacher Mrs Wildsmith who has been an inspiration and to my tutor Mr Philips who is just lovely. Originally I wanted to be a vet but changed my mind and they really helped me work out what it is I want to do, and to pursue it – and now I鈥檓 off to read English Literature. Thanks also to Ms Guttner and the drama department who pushed me and helped me believe in myself so I could see what I was really capable of.鈥

A* Star Performance from Anna 听

Seasoned performer Anna confirmed that opening results envelopes ranks as more stressful event than an opening night – but any nerves today soon melted away on receipt of her fantastic results of A*, A, A.

Anna now takes up her place at Guildford School of Acting @The_GSA to study musical theatre and judging by her stellar performances at Caterham a bright future awaits! Anna joined Caterham from The Hawthorns School @HawthornsSchool 听鈥淚 don鈥檛 know where to begin with where Caterham has helped me. The performing arts department is incredible in bringing out the best of your abilities and growing your confidence, just allowing you shine through. That鈥檚 something I鈥檝e really appreciated.

Anna鈥檚 advice to the next generation of Caterhamians: 鈥淭ry new things and stick with them 鈥 you never know what you might achieve!鈥

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