
Le retour des “Petits Filous”

Le retour des “Petits Filous”

Les Petits Filous are back and enjoyed a very busy start of the year at the French Junior Club. After a French cinema session, where the Petits Filous watched with delight “Astérix et Cleopatre” while eating some popcorn, First and Second Years discovered French B.Ds (comic books) and practised their translation skills! Finally, after a very successful French treasure hunt our Petits Filous have concluded this first half term on a cliff hanger. They are the first daring candidates to enter the National French Pop Video Competition hosted by the French Institut and which will take place later next year. Teams have started to form, very creative ideas have been discussed, French vocabulary explored and style of music selected. Our first competitors are well underway. Who will be joining next? First and Second Years French students don’t miss this fantastic opportunity! Bonnes vacances à tous et see you soon for more great adventures and activities for our “Petits Filous”.

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