
GCSE Success Stories 2023

GCSE Success Stories 2023

Isabelle on Cloud 9 with a full sweep of top grades

Isabelle was on cloud 9 with a full set of Grade 9s bursting from her GCSE results envelope. 聽Despite some early morning nerves on results day, Isabelle was thrilled with her results.

Isabelle is a prominent musician at Caterham as well as being active in the technical side of theatre – such is her passion that her long post-exam summer included singing with young people from across the country at the National Children鈥檚 Choir Camp in Birmingham .

Isabelle is also a member of Caterham鈥檚 active Voice for Change group, which promotes and engages the whole school community in celebrating our diversity. Isabelle is also part of the Combined Cadet Force and almost as soon as her results envelope was opened jumped on the departing coach for the summer CCF camp in the Brecon Beacons.

Sixth Form will bring psychology, biology, chemistry and philosophy at A Level as well as continuing a busy programme of performing arts and wider activities.

Isabelle joined Caterham from Hawthorns School and her advice to younger pupils is: 鈥淢ake sure you get stuck in to things with clubs and activities. Even if you鈥檙e not sure just give it a go and find a good balance between study and activities.

England Hockey Summer for Casey聽

Ten grade 9s and one 8 has left Casey over the moon with his GCSE results. The youngest in a long line of successful Old Caterhamians, which includes his grandfather, father and older sister, and so was feeling positive pressure from family today! Casey said; 鈥淚t was actually an incentive to do well and another factor which kept me focused in the run up to exams.鈥

In addition to his academic success, Casey has a growing sporting career and participated in an England Hockey tournament this summer. He was also a key part of Caterham鈥檚 hugely successful hockey season last year which saw the school in two national finals. Looking forward to life in Sixth Form on every front Casey said: 鈥淣ext year I think we can go further and win a title 鈥 our attitude and skills are all in a good place.鈥

Ever dedicated to his sport, Casey was saving any celebration of today鈥檚 results until after his evening hockey training session.

Standing Ovation for Rock Star Joel

Used to taking centre stage as lead guitar in his rock band, Joel was celebrating a riff of great grades today having secured all grades 9s and one grade 8.

Joel said: 鈥淚 am really happy as these results will allow me to do all the subjects I want to at A Level and means I can now focus on maths, further maths, biology, physics and chemistry in the autumn. I am really looking forward to being part of the Moncreiff Jones Science Society and the Wright Medics Society, especially as I am thinking of applying to medicine at university in the future.

Joel is a keen Combined Cadet Force cadet and swiftly swapped his results envelope for a very much heavier backpack as he jumped on the coach headed to deepest Wales for the summer CCF camp.

All Smiles for Simi

Simi was all smiles today and ready to celebrate her top GCSE grades: 鈥淚鈥檓 really happy and excited with my results today with all 9s and 8s and one 7. For me this means I can do the subjects I want as I move to the Sixth Form which is psychology, biology, chemistry and photography at A Level. It means I can consider applying to do medicine beyond that and I am definitely going to join the Wright Society here at school for young medics.鈥

Beyond her studies, Simi has broad interests and has been an active member of a range of clubs and activities: 鈥淚 do a lot of drama clubs which I love and have been part of engineering club too.鈥

鈥淚 would like to say a big thank you to all my teachers for the time they have given up helping me which is what made the difference.聽 My advice for younger pupils is to make the most of the support that鈥檚 available.鈥

All the 9s for Jack

With his sister securing top grades at A Level last week, it was very much Jack鈥檚 turn to shine today. 鈥淚t was quite tricky to sleep last night but I felt I had done all I could do in the exams. When I opened the envelope, it was the best I could have hoped for with all grade 9s across all of my subjects. That means I can do all the subjects I want to at A Level this summer: physics, maths economics and biology and perhaps look to do engineering at university beyond that.鈥

A summer packed full of travel, working and seeing friends has flown by and Jack is now looking forward to getting stuck back into life at school. 鈥淚 play quite a lot of sport here and am looking forward to rugby in the coming term. I love hockey too and was in the team that got to the plate final last season. Cricket is another passion and I鈥檓 looking forward to a season uninterrupted by (necessary) exams next time.鈥

Jack鈥檚 advice for younger pupils is to take all the support that is on offer: 鈥淭he teachers help so much and even if you don鈥檛 think you need extra help sessions just go and make the most of what is on offer. It helped me a lot to really grasp my subjects.鈥

All Nines Clear Elle鈥檚 Nerves

Elle has been at Caterham since starting at Caterham Prep aged 5 but familiarity didn鈥檛 quell her results day nerves this morning: 鈥淚 was so nervous I had to step away from everyone to open my envelope this morning, but it鈥檚 all great now with grade 9s across every subject. I didn鈥檛 think I could have done as well as I have!鈥

Elle was a finalist in the 2023 Independent Research Project competition with her research and final piece on limb regeneration. Life beyond academic study is just as busy for Elle who plays netball and swims for Caterham as well as her musical pursuits of singing and piano.

Today鈥檚 run of top grades means Elle moves on to the next step in her Caterham journey studying Greek, chemistry, economics, further maths and maths at A Level. Elle is most looking forward to the different vibe in Caterham Sixth Form and has received lots of advice from her three older brothers who all progressed through Caterham 鈥 but Elle is determined to make sure her time is unique to her.

Dancer Sophie鈥檚 Toes Tapping with Top Grades

Sophie had managed not to think about results for most of the summer until the last few weeks, but any worries turned to smiles today as she discovered a chorus of 9s, 8s and 7s.

鈥淚鈥檓 particularly delighted with my biology and English results as I didn鈥檛 think I鈥檇 have done that well in those subjects. Now I can go on to do the subjects I want at A Level.

Sophie has thrown herself into the performing arts at Caterham and took the lead role in the most senior production at school, Iphigenia at Aulis: 鈥溾淚 love to do a lot of dance and drama and have been a part of many plays here. I鈥檓 looking forward to doing more in addition to studying drama in the Sixth Form. I鈥檓 also looking forward to starting a new subject with psychology, as well as just being part of the oldest years in the school.鈥

Sophie, who came to Caterham from the Hawthorns School, had some sound advice for new pupils joining the school this autumn: 鈥淲ork hard and have the best time 鈥 these years have gone so quickly for me so make the most of everything that鈥檚 on offer to you.鈥